Sevdije Kastrati

Sevdije is a trailblazing cinematographer from Kosovo who has made a name for herself in the international film scene. Based in Los Angeles, she honed her craft at the American Film Institute, graduating in 2011, and has since created a diverse body of work that spans narrative features, documentaries, shorts, and TV series.
Sevdije's work has garnered numerous accolades and screened at prestigious festivals worldwide. Her short film "The Return" made a splash at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, winning Best International Short. Her AFI thesis film, "Unmanned," has also received widespread acclaim and numerous awards.
But it's Sevdije's cinematography work on feature films work that has truly cemented her status as a rising star in the industry. "The Marriage," which premiered at Tallinn Black Nights, won two awards and was Kosovo's entry for the Oscars in 2018. "Cold November" premiered at the San Sebastian Film Festival in 2018, and "Zana" premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2019, also as Kosovo's entry for the Oscars in 2020.
Sevdije's latest work, "Perpetrator," had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival and its North American premiere at Tribeca 2023. In 2021, her film "Vera Dreams of the Sea" premiered at the Venice International Film Festival and went on to win Best Film at the Tokyo International Film Festival that same year. Sevdije executed additional cinematography for 'Lola,' set to release in 2024.
Sevdije is a member of European Film Academy, International Cinematographers Guild and is represented by Gersh Agency.


Kosovar, American
English: fluent
Directors of photography
EFA - European Film Academy [eu]

Experience & skills


American Film Institute Conservatory

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